Study Areas
Small Business Accelerators.
Develop a Business Plan.
Planning is critical for business success - build on the foundations of your business and develop a strategy to drive your business forward.
Build your Brand.
Your brand is more than just your logo. It includes the vision, values, and “why” of your small business, as well as your visual identity such as colours, logo, imagery, fonts, and more.
Develop your Marketing Plan.
Understanding existing markets in your industry and connecting with your intended audience is essential to business success.
Smart Phone Photo & Video.
Capturing and sharing custom content for your small business is a great way to show off your products or services, and share a more authentic image of your brand to connect with your audience.
Build your Social Media Platforms.
Social media is a valuable marketing tool in today’s business landscape, as it allows you to share content and engage with your audience, as well as expand your reach and develop brand awareness.
Marketing with Canva.
Canva is a useful online tool that allows you to design branded elements such as logos or icons, as well as create engaging content for your digital platforms.
Develop your WordPress Website.
A website is often the ‘first impression’ for customers when engaging with a business, which is why it’s important to have a professional and easy to use site.
Develop your Shopify Store.
Got an innovative product-based business and want to expand your store to start selling online? Shopify is the perfect tool to build a digital shopfront for your business and develop an online presence for your brand.
Optimise your Website.
In this series, we’ll show you how to take control of your website to increase organic traffic and conversion rates by reviewing your site speed, user experience, and web analytics.