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Showing 9 of 45
Develop your Shopify Store.
Got an innovative product-based business and want to expand your store to start selling online? Shopify is the perfect tool to build a digital shopfront for your business and develop an online presence for your brand.
Optimise your Website.
In this series, we’ll show you how to take control of your website to increase organic traffic and conversion rates by reviewing your site speed, user experience, and web analytics.
Art & Resilience.
An abstract art project workshop that is focused on building resilience for our students.
Hospitality Essentials.
Develop your cooking skills and learn how to make easy recipes on a budget.
Digital Literacy.
This workshop provides an introduction to digital devices and commonly used software within the workplace.
Get Ready for Work.
Learn fundamental skills and build your confidence to enter the workforce.
Tech Savvy Seniors.
Learn more about technology and stay connected with your loved ones.
Standard Mental Health First Aid.
Learn how to provide support for others who may be experiencing mental health problems.
BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business.
Develop core organisational and technical skills to become an effective office administrator or supervisor.

No courses match your interests?
We're always looking to add new courses and workshops to our scope. If you have an area of interest that you don't see available above, contact our team to talk about customised training programs and learning pathways.